
This chapter is an intermezzo that allows us to check and have a deeper understanding of the concepts seen so far by means of exercises. We will see how the code shown can be rewritten to take advantage of battle-tested solutions and idioms that emerges from daily practice.

First of all, we import some modules (be free to skim the corresponding documentation for each one of them),

import functools, operator, math, itertools, random, collections, statistics, bisect, operator, heapq

that contains useful definitions for the code that we are going to write. Moreover, an utility for generators,

def take(iterable, n):
    return map(lambda p: p[1], zip(range(n), iterable))

that consumes an iterable and return a generator that will yield \(n\) objects at most. For the sake of clarity,

taken = take(itertools.count(), 50)
<generator object take at 0x7f9dbe3b65f0>

is a actually generator and its content equals

assert list(taken) == list(range(50))

Before starting, we initialize the random generator with a nice prime



A = list(range(10000))
B = list(range(10000))

def intersection(A, B):

    B = set(B)
    return (a for a in A if a in B)
%timeit list(intersection(A, B))
1.73 ms ± 48.7 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
%timeit list(zip(A, set(B)))
1.44 ms ± 206 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
def intersection(A, B):

    A, B = iter(sorted(A)), iter(sorted(B))

    a, b = next(A), next(B)

    while True:

            if a == b:
                yield a
                a, b = next(A), next(B)
            elif a < b:
                a = next(A)
                b = next(B)
        except StopIteration:
%timeit list(intersection(A, B))
6.47 ms ± 1.09 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

(Pythagorean) tuples


def tuples(*slices):
    return itertools.product(*map(lambda s: range(s.start, s.stop), slices))


def A(a, b, c, d):
def A(*args):
    return list(map(lambda i: i + 4, args))
def AA(args):
    return list(map(lambda i: i + 4, args))
def B(a, b, *args):
    return [a, b] + list(map(lambda i: i + 4, args))
A(1, 2, 3)
A([1, 2, 3])
AA([1, 2, 3])
B(1, 2)
B(1, 2, 3)
A(1, 2, 3)
A(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)
container = range(5)
A( *container  )



Consider the application to an empty sequence of slides,

units = tuples()

then saturate it


Now, build tuples using just a slide object,

singletons = tuples(slice(5, 11))

then saturate it


Now, build tuples using a twin slide object,

s = slice(5, 11)
pairs = tuples(s, s)

then saturate it


Now, build tuples using a three different slide objects (taking into account of splitting the returned generator),

triples_a, triples_b = itertools.tee(tuples(slice(5, 11), slice(6, 13), slice(7, 14)))



then saturate it


Now a corner case, but still interesting for ensuring a sound behavior,

triples = tuples(slice(5, 11), slice(6, 6), slice(7, 14)) # ouch!
L = [1, 2, 3, 4]
L[slice(2, 2)]

then saturate it

list(triples) # who we have to blame?

Finally, let

def is_pythagorean(tup: tuple, n=2) -> bool: # is_pythagorean is a *predicate*
    '''A Pythagorean triple consists of three positive integers a, b, and c, such that a^2 + b^2 = c^2.

    Such a triple is commonly written (a, b, c), and a well-known example is (3, 4, 5).
    If (a, b, c) is a Pythagorean triple, then so is (ka, kb, kc) for any positive integer k.

    A primitive Pythagorean triple is one in which a, b and c are coprime (that is,
    they have no common divisor larger than 1).

    See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pythagorean_triple.
    a, b, c = tup # tuple unpacking
    return (a**n + b**n == c**n) if a <= b <= c else False


filter(is_pythagorean, triples_b)
list(filter(is_pythagorean, triples_b)) # do a selection


help(is_pythagorean) # just to show that writing docstrings is cool and useful.



def sum_upto(n):
    return functools.reduce(operator.add, range(n+1))

and test according to Euler’s quicker formula

n = 100
v = sum_upto(n)
gauss = (n*(n+1)/2)
assert v == gauss == 5050







def sqrt(n):

    refined = n
    while True:
        yield refined
        refined = (n/refined + refined)/2

to enumerate 15 approximation of the square root of 37

n = 37
list(take(sqrt(37), 15))
\[\displaystyle \left[ 37, \ 19.0, \ 10.4736842105263, \ 7.00317376355462, \ 6.14324631000345, \ 6.08306027903096, \ 6.0827625375852, \ 6.08276253029822, \ 6.08276253029822, \ 6.08276253029822, \ 6.08276253029822, \ 6.08276253029822, \ 6.08276253029822, \ 6.08276253029822, \ 6.08276253029822\right]\]

and check with respect to

\[\displaystyle 6.08276253029822\]


Help on built-in function sqrt in module math:

sqrt(x, /)
    Return the square root of x.


According to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leibniz_formula_for_%CF%80, let

def pi_Leibniz():

    d = 0
    for i, coeff in enumerate(itertools.count(1, step=2)):
        yield 4*d
        d += (-1)**i/coeff


list(take(pi_Leibniz(), 1000))[-10:]
\[\displaystyle \left[ 3.14058255283735, \ 3.14260173506854, \ 3.14058458932976, \ 3.14259970267989, \ 3.14058661762704, \ 3.14259767846164, \ 3.14058863777856, \ 3.14259566236461, \ 3.14059064983328, \ 3.14259365434004\right]\]

and check against the

\[\displaystyle 3.14159265358979\]



The Collatz’s conjecture

Consider the following operation on an arbitrary positive integer:

If the number is even, divide it by two.
If the number is odd, triple it and add one.

See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collatz_conjecture. Let

def collatz(n):

    while True:

        yield n
        n = 3*n + 1 if n % 2 else n // 2 # be aware that we lose track of the original `n`!


[list(take(collatz(n), 15)) for n in range(1, 20)]

Fibonacci numbers

Directly from https://docs.python.org/3/library/functools.html#functools.cache:

def factorial(n):
    print('•', end='')
    return n * factorial(n-1) if n else 1

no previously cached result, makes 11 recursive calls (count the • symbols)

\[\displaystyle 3628800\]

just looks up cached value result

\[\displaystyle 120\]

makes two new recursive calls, the other 10 are cached

\[\displaystyle 479001600\]

Uniform random on segmented interval

The problem here reads as follow: sample uniformly from \([a, b)\) and \([c, d)\) where \(b <= c\). Eventually, try to generate to an arbitrary sequence of slices, assuming they are fed in sorted order with respect to <.

Help on built-in function random:

random() method of random.Random instance
    random() -> x in the interval [0, 1).
def samples(*slices):

    step = 1/len(slices)

    steps = itertools.count(step, step)
    bins = [(s, sl) for sl, s in zip(slices, steps)]

    while True:
        r = random.random()
        i = bisect.bisect_left(bins, (r, None))
        sl = slices[i]
        yield abs(sl.stop - sl.start) * (r - (i*step))/step + sl.start
samples(slice(10, 20), slice(35, 40))
<generator object samples at 0x7f94b236eba0>

Then define the generator with respect to \([10, 20)\) and \([35, 40)\)

observations = take(samples(slice(10, 20), slice(35, 40)), 1_000_000)
<generator object take at 0x7f94b2336970>

have a look at some observations

sorted([i for _, i in zip(range(100), observations)])
\[\displaystyle \left[ 10.0243661059958, \ 10.0873975329876, \ 10.2211266444531, \ 10.6092881155464, \ 10.6254660850717, \ 10.7334281314769, \ 10.8236069247585, \ 10.8727655861638, \ 11.258254343462, \ 11.6840320449525, \ 11.8133002710598, \ 11.9201805391687, \ 12.5592243753303, \ 12.6022481166986, \ 12.6109950048561, \ 13.1692133715406, \ 13.1765286878284, \ 13.3189999899088, \ 13.5181123465823, \ 13.6499197181786, \ 13.9268982253803, \ 13.948955821507, \ 14.0787047568117, \ 14.090512898636, \ 14.4707698744916, \ 15.0843307789221, \ 15.3962540553825, \ 15.5801342859493, \ 15.7352414885053, \ 15.7658057442765, \ 15.8902591426058, \ 16.1042151562522, \ 16.534440064839, \ 16.5504809739677, \ 16.972789644161, \ 17.2374649583287, \ 17.4049597156253, \ 17.4283690400338, \ 17.733197151736, \ 18.2288091940092, \ 18.5437065970785, \ 18.7505124649756, \ 18.8917764738254, \ 18.8969250921975, \ 19.0729561696043, \ 19.256817892779, \ 19.3717672510655, \ 19.5322387840929, \ 35.0207872435975, \ 35.2356477806215, \ 35.2577105057653, \ 35.2814921166459, \ 35.4246450154323, \ 35.4349741337585, \ 35.5895045839265, \ 35.7395545248987, \ 35.8723069492796, \ 35.9771982204247, \ 35.9798350469088, \ 36.0396641353563, \ 36.1270941051562, \ 36.2444198416499, \ 36.4536612840449, \ 36.4599673907274, \ 36.4905858852493, \ 36.5235112376273, \ 36.7302976712501, \ 36.7831680191092, \ 36.824232661191, \ 36.8509038073242, \ 36.8676003280364, \ 36.9681442010981, \ 37.1415375170644, \ 37.1723214906744, \ 37.3444328548801, \ 37.3795170088498, \ 37.3894904758704, \ 37.3966683807518, \ 37.5687939026067, \ 37.6258670429823, \ 37.6587283288162, \ 37.6706106594373, \ 37.6833043922921, \ 37.8782241471843, \ 38.1226915465397, \ 38.1491084877288, \ 38.6010388441724, \ 38.7280083725125, \ 38.7546857802761, \ 38.8527972342487, \ 38.8659495130244, \ 38.894218349131, \ 39.0260735215189, \ 39.0887130093579, \ 39.3684450707367, \ 39.5946364683723, \ 39.796620953206, \ 39.8519691918851, \ 39.9253964264206, \ 39.9439845552374\right]\]

then observe the quantiles:

\[\displaystyle \left[ 14.9947797662436, \ 19.9919442968699, \ 37.4972007290155\right]\]

it looks uniform. By the way, use different intervals, \([14, 20)\) and \([35,40)\),

observations = take(samples(slice(14, 20), slice(35, 40)), 1_000_000)

look again at some observations,

sorted([i for _, i in zip(range(100), observations)])
\[\displaystyle \left[ 14.1323041960025, \ 14.1563525351912, \ 14.2908152420734, \ 14.3720844926469, \ 14.4301443300871, \ 14.6357471847229, \ 14.7928286025045, \ 14.9562913078198, \ 14.985739023817, \ 15.1012283815453, \ 15.2449872388595, \ 15.3866557236714, \ 15.4234829341249, \ 15.5172448927458, \ 15.5203726399967, \ 15.6193240631202, \ 15.9057679019172, \ 16.1519150519768, \ 16.3666277973103, \ 16.375510843941, \ 16.3886919722393, \ 16.4005372120036, \ 16.4352391166169, \ 16.4364732145617, \ 16.5968044945369, \ 16.7528707322255, \ 16.9254485955368, \ 17.1545978036333, \ 17.3903959487242, \ 17.50836549493, \ 17.5225245702106, \ 17.5333822442405, \ 17.6219839032812, \ 17.6316697310435, \ 17.6429865725727, \ 17.7737403896486, \ 18.0100780482131, \ 18.1331630410681, \ 18.1837078443592, \ 18.2301058640675, \ 18.3553490836376, \ 18.4231361252609, \ 18.459797523787, \ 18.5097467947309, \ 18.6411915573322, \ 18.7058302929093, \ 19.0102016600827, \ 19.1893562856584, \ 19.2005623457227, \ 19.3663883910707, \ 19.5802975599368, \ 35.0313211746186, \ 35.1153568379507, \ 35.2155164507026, \ 35.2186251436206, \ 35.4376567072963, \ 35.5359756689958, \ 35.6875054349605, \ 35.7593140588158, \ 35.7604300719099, \ 35.8573002965294, \ 35.8963964053793, \ 35.9669720403967, \ 36.0996779475967, \ 36.1989963334615, \ 36.3199973000606, \ 36.5479244259248, \ 36.6107982413955, \ 36.661066608938, \ 36.8699532912034, \ 37.0148538841098, \ 37.0658760331007, \ 37.3954122292724, \ 37.4036119647786, \ 37.6426721420912, \ 37.7851607990447, \ 37.8129381771257, \ 37.8358115991689, \ 37.8664971315149, \ 37.9943152158376, \ 38.0120378881196, \ 38.1722755764654, \ 38.269815307088, \ 38.5040681648737, \ 38.5356912014615, \ 38.5973522695451, \ 39.1880929625333, \ 39.2764345461328, \ 39.2815996091282, \ 39.2954666796793, \ 39.3799528621052, \ 39.4272831044918, \ 39.4292908246285, \ 39.4927533988742, \ 39.5160180706083, \ 39.6903052723282, \ 39.7502097169046, \ 39.9140939164098, \ 39.936621091931, \ 39.9736215524307\right]\]

and check the corresponding quantiles

\[\displaystyle \left[ 17.0120270873622, \ 35.0091410950936, \ 37.5047555769823\right]\]

it should be uniform too. Finally, we test the corner case where \(b=c\), so let \([10, 20)\) and \([20,40)\),

observations = take(samples(slice(10, 20), slice(20, 40)), 1_000_000)

look again at some observations,

sorted([i for _, i in zip(range(100), observations)])
\[\displaystyle \left[ 10.3138042492069, \ 10.4617132954871, \ 10.5809908902109, \ 10.6010442620482, \ 10.6887497588823, \ 11.7254181853172, \ 11.8271470660681, \ 12.048102938299, \ 12.247139166854, \ 12.2549353500679, \ 13.2914091982908, \ 13.4459073192196, \ 13.647656459474, \ 13.6910471558124, \ 14.123566779006, \ 14.2551894831251, \ 14.5939427033854, \ 14.6234703446175, \ 14.9279109995807, \ 14.9973541378411, \ 15.0791166070317, \ 15.2549787961636, \ 15.4904856657929, \ 16.0545164052765, \ 16.2117379525326, \ 16.4562397604181, \ 16.6026015779431, \ 16.7088902884986, \ 16.710077039622, \ 16.7992315042294, \ 17.0321951774865, \ 17.0352934965467, \ 17.1050312631865, \ 17.1532373657116, \ 17.2682305118815, \ 17.6599373467649, \ 17.7370926273273, \ 17.9235109312741, \ 18.0087370813096, \ 18.3273991743432, \ 18.453592676932, \ 18.8665261441337, \ 19.1234550824922, \ 19.2080876073163, \ 19.5772209175442, \ 19.6682654821401, \ 20.3324520675891, \ 20.3935779739885, \ 20.8497271574752, \ 21.133667544165, \ 22.4415811131435, \ 23.3999361089338, \ 23.7715554382267, \ 23.9257832035858, \ 24.0776513632948, \ 24.1989723261161, \ 24.397401473484, \ 24.7098113954197, \ 24.8170714792839, \ 24.9288957236155, \ 26.2281486965927, \ 26.4088786487729, \ 26.7216839700722, \ 26.8329313991179, \ 26.8534141521857, \ 26.9212145847347, \ 27.0736507746228, \ 27.364310658668, \ 27.5780019679952, \ 27.6041135453553, \ 28.6692581540964, \ 29.2261026975492, \ 29.8942781614073, \ 29.9434199769997, \ 30.5522517953459, \ 30.5629687527648, \ 30.6138031778256, \ 31.6349049382327, \ 32.0261404496609, \ 32.3687354050969, \ 33.5183891001866, \ 33.6681315671644, \ 33.7476739047184, \ 34.0354106514961, \ 34.1369089638411, \ 34.8266328131936, \ 34.8938204741322, \ 35.0510595035298, \ 35.2891255966106, \ 35.3063843466018, \ 35.600883275618, \ 36.6177060928967, \ 36.8418045240622, \ 37.2710083645502, \ 37.822150301474, \ 38.140279734327, \ 38.5882057987763, \ 38.8307542283743, \ 39.8252720322953, \ 39.9201137902001\right]\]

and check the corresponding quantiles

\[\displaystyle \left[ 15.0015750374179, \ 20.0017670659526, \ 30.0210196691344\right]\]

it should be uniform either. Finally, attempt a sampling from 4 slices,

observations = take(samples(slice(0, 5), slice(10, 15), slice(20, 25), slice(30, 35)), 1_000_000)

look again at some observations,

sorted([i for _, i in zip(range(100), observations)])
\[\displaystyle \left[ 0.0721670174820011, \ 0.251638150885252, \ 0.454589866470005, \ 0.797351604131717, \ 1.04201184990024, \ 1.09601049158395, \ 1.12910750448021, \ 1.39510803467466, \ 1.56747852768705, \ 2.26465608665783, \ 2.49460993241168, \ 2.77596902018942, \ 2.78401315008064, \ 3.24602453892028, \ 3.27130359090896, \ 3.80736075048964, \ 4.58829681683315, \ 4.79749739461101, \ 4.80836601616213, \ 4.81025028577513, \ 10.1305526947971, \ 10.7491394328919, \ 10.755628043989, \ 10.7719744270599, \ 10.8535106453669, \ 11.0189194785127, \ 11.2086447641603, \ 11.2190090156744, \ 11.2237108329476, \ 11.842905910204, \ 11.86879879227, \ 11.9138896820439, \ 12.3076402142551, \ 12.4908710057721, \ 12.5955375064324, \ 12.6579629437233, \ 12.761062485281, \ 12.802849955083, \ 13.0995393418366, \ 13.4186839125608, \ 13.6094875003084, \ 13.6436994354719, \ 13.7808136432215, \ 14.0152045883098, \ 14.273444820187, \ 14.4031999317319, \ 14.5287018465516, \ 14.5716215580827, \ 14.6523918120587, \ 14.7922512390712, \ 14.9092089240726, \ 14.9210711970253, \ 20.09201231095, \ 20.2316827131464, \ 20.4319958792265, \ 20.5882144556517, \ 20.6839480954171, \ 20.9495072655182, \ 21.0392822592264, \ 21.5490769500205, \ 21.6099700754839, \ 22.1670165044208, \ 22.2202641136998, \ 22.2334323790502, \ 22.2428963606999, \ 22.322312074206, \ 22.5961433112942, \ 23.1575726062898, \ 23.52815490794, \ 23.780633763837, \ 24.0563980112762, \ 24.3177335923029, \ 24.4090378298098, \ 24.5454848322612, \ 24.6093629967583, \ 24.6281061651609, \ 30.1162361655058, \ 30.1269636184324, \ 30.3184926896898, \ 30.3736768338581, \ 30.3890273183079, \ 30.4755508925172, \ 30.6602246415675, \ 31.0146511055455, \ 31.0521118790551, \ 31.313281056821, \ 31.3488854274348, \ 31.7768642602927, \ 32.2154220724097, \ 32.2174254745533, \ 32.5372781276159, \ 32.6677262075565, \ 32.7504668126776, \ 33.2928179251376, \ 33.3175785766162, \ 33.8002294825965, \ 33.9799188461708, \ 34.0653799094503, \ 34.4869921698902, \ 34.8345926013318\right]\]

and check the corresponding quantiles

\[\displaystyle \left[ 10.0082975897974, \ 20.0087565216306, \ 30.0077741144062\right]\]

it should be uniform either.

Bernoulli random variable

int(True) # this is a very quick check to see if a Boolean can be used as integer
def Bernoulli(p):
    'This is a generator for a Bernoulli random variable of parameter `p` for success.'

    while True:              # forever we loop
        r = random.random()  # get a sample
        yield int(r < p)     # if that sample denotes a success or a failure we *yield* that outcome
B = Bernoulli(p=0.6) # B is our random variable
list(take(B, 20))
C = collections.Counter(take(B, 1_000_000))



Russian Peasant Multiplication


def halves_doubles(n, m):
    halving = n
    doubling = m
    acc = 0
    while halving:
        digit = halving % 2
        acc = acc + digit * doubling
        yield (digit, halving, doubling, acc)
        halving = halving >> 1 # int(halving / 2)
        doubling = doubling << 1


list(halves_doubles(89, 18))
[(1, 89, 18, 18),
 (0, 44, 36, 18),
 (0, 22, 72, 18),
 (1, 11, 144, 162),
 (1, 5, 288, 450),
 (0, 2, 576, 450),
 (1, 1, 1152, 1602)]

see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Egyptian_multiplication and also https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/Algebra/PeasantMultiplication.shtml. Then,

def rpm(n, m):
    *prefix, (b, h, d, s) = halves_doubles(n, m)
    return s

so the check passes,

assert rpm(89, 18) == 89 * 18 == 1602



Of course, it works too when the first number is even,

rpm(6, 100)

Of course our implementation

%timeit rpm(293819385789379687596845, 921038209831568476843584365)
33.2 µs ± 111 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

is slower than the primitive one

%timeit 293819385789379687596845 * 921038209831568476843584365
98.8 ns ± 0.164 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000000 loops each)

because arithmetic is performed in the virtual machine.

Let us give a strict version also,

def rpm_strict(n, m):
    halving = n
    doubling = m
    acc = 0
    while halving:
        digit = halving % 2
        acc = acc + digit * doubling
        halving = halving >> 1
        doubling = doubling << 1
    return acc

check that it is correct,

rpm_strict(89, 18)

and observe that it is a little bit faster than our former implementation

%timeit rpm_strict(293819385789379687596845, 921038209831568476843584365)

Fixed sum

def subarrays(L):
   return (L[i:j] for i in range(len(L)) for j in range(i, len(L)+1))
L = [-1, 5, 8, -9, 4, 1]
def fixed_sum(L, n):
    return filter(lambda s: sum(s)==n, subarrays(L))
list(fixed_sum(L, 10))
def partial_sums(L):
    g = itertools.accumulate(subarrays(L), lambda s, each: s + each[-1] if each else 0, initial=0)
    next(g) # to ignore the initial 0 given above
    return g

Toward an optimization…

def subarrays_rev(L):
   return (tuple(L[i:j]) for i in range(len(L)-1, -1, -1) for j in range(i+1, len(L)+1))
def fixed_sum_rev(L, n, cache={}):
    for tup in subarrays_rev(L):
        rest = tup[1:]
        s = tup[0] + cache.get(rest, 0)
        cache[tup] = s
        if s == n: yield tup
cache = {}
list(fixed_sum_rev(L, 10, cache))
cache # have a look at the collected values
def sample(n):
    O, b, *rest = bin(random.getrandbits(n)) # because `string`s are iterable objects indeed.
    return list(map(int, rest))


LL = sample(1000)
assert set(map(tuple, fixed_sum(LL, 10))) == set(fixed_sum_rev(LL, 10))
%timeit list(fixed_sum(LL, 10))
%timeit list(fixed_sum_rev(LL, 10))


if 4 < 8:
b = if 4 < 8:

       lots of code

b = 5 if 4 < 8 else 6

Some strange uses of recursion

For more on this recursion schemata see https://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/people/ralf.hinze/publications/ICFP09.pdf and also https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1571066104809721.


def const(n):

    yield n

    yield from const(n)
<generator object const at 0x7f425c332970>
ones = const(1)
list(take(ones, 10))
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]


def nats():

    yield 0

    g = nats() # !!

    yield from map(lambda n: n + 1, g)
list(take(nats(), 10))
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


Consider the following functional specification for the naturals that are also primes

primes = filterPrime [2..]
  where filterPrime (p:xs) =
          p : filterPrime [x | x <- xs, x `mod` p /= 0]
def primes():

    def P(numbers):

        prime = next(numbers) # get the next prime from the iterator `it`.

        yield prime # yield the next prime number

        def not_divisible_by_prime(n):  # a mnemonic predicate.
            q, r = divmod(n, prime)
            return r != 0

        yield from P(filter(not_divisible_by_prime, numbers)) # `numbers` has been advanced before.

    yield from P(itertools.count(2))
list(take(primes(), 20))
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71]

Fibonacci, again


\[f_{n+2} = f_{n+1} + f_{n}, \quad \text{where} \quad f_{0} = 0 \wedge f_{1} = 1\]
def fibs(first=0, second=1):

    yield first  # the first number in the Fibonacci series,
    yield second # ... and the second one.

    f, ff = itertools.tee(fibs(first, second)) # duplicate the stream of fibonacci numbers.

    next(ff) # advance just one of them

    yield from map(operator.add, f, ff) # according to the Fibonacci rule, yield all the rest.
list(take(fibs(), 20))

…and again

from sympy import IndexedBase, init_printing # SymPy for symbolic computation

init_printing() # pretty printing math symbols and expressions
x = IndexedBase('x')
x[1] # indexing as done in math.
\[\displaystyle {x}_{1}\]
fibos = list(take(fibs(x[0], x[1]), 20)) # generate an abstract schema
\[\displaystyle \left[ {x}_{0}, \ {x}_{1}, \ {x}_{0} + {x}_{1}, \ {x}_{0} + 2 {x}_{1}, \ 2 {x}_{0} + 3 {x}_{1}, \ 3 {x}_{0} + 5 {x}_{1}, \ 5 {x}_{0} + 8 {x}_{1}, \ 8 {x}_{0} + 13 {x}_{1}, \ 13 {x}_{0} + 21 {x}_{1}, \ 21 {x}_{0} + 34 {x}_{1}, \ 34 {x}_{0} + 55 {x}_{1}, \ 55 {x}_{0} + 89 {x}_{1}, \ 89 {x}_{0} + 144 {x}_{1}, \ 144 {x}_{0} + 233 {x}_{1}, \ 233 {x}_{0} + 377 {x}_{1}, \ 377 {x}_{0} + 610 {x}_{1}, \ 610 {x}_{0} + 987 {x}_{1}, \ 987 {x}_{0} + 1597 {x}_{1}, \ 1597 {x}_{0} + 2584 {x}_{1}, \ 2584 {x}_{0} + 4181 {x}_{1}\right]\]
[expr.subs({x[0]:0, x[1]:1}) for expr in fibos] # Fibonacci numbers, as usual.
\[\displaystyle \left[ 0, \ 1, \ 1, \ 2, \ 3, \ 5, \ 8, \ 13, \ 21, \ 34, \ 55, \ 89, \ 144, \ 233, \ 377, \ 610, \ 987, \ 1597, \ 2584, \ 4181\right]\]
[expr.subs({x[0]:2, x[1]:1}) for expr in fibos] # Lucas numbers, less usual.
\[\displaystyle \left[ 2, \ 1, \ 3, \ 4, \ 7, \ 11, \ 18, \ 29, \ 47, \ 76, \ 123, \ 199, \ 322, \ 521, \ 843, \ 1364, \ 2207, \ 3571, \ 5778, \ 9349\right]\]